What About Communion?

We share the Holy Sacrament of Communion the first Sunday of each month. During this time we have our usual Order of Worship. But after the sermon, Pastor Jason leads us in Communion. We use the Order of Table and Communion from the hymnal. All are invited to the Table. Holy Communion was instituted by Jesus, just prior to His crucifixion. He told His disciples to have communion often and remember Him.

Pastor Jason, praying over the cup during communion.

At the appointed time during the worship time, Pastor Jason invites people to come to participate. The people who sit at the front on the right side of the church starts first. Then each row follows.

Usually we use the method called Intinction. What this means is that you are given a piece of bread. You are given the bread because the bread reminds us of Jesus’ body and He gave us his body, we did not take it from Him. You then dip the bread into the cup, which reminds us of Jesus’ blood, which He shed for us. We use grape juice instead of wine in the cup. While Pastor Jason blesses the elements and leads us in the liturgy, someone from the congregation actually shares the elements.

Brian, sharing the Bread of Life.

Following the sharing of the bread and juice, we have a final hymn and Pastor Jason closes with a benediction.

Holy Communion is just one of the Holy Sacraments. We are blessed to be able to remember all that Jesus has done for us.