Thank you to all who donated this past month. Our church donated $2755 that will be sent to NC GMC conference to be used in WNC. Also, several people in our congregation donated items and support to Piney Grove GMC for their annual Fall Festival and the auction raised over $14,000. Reports also shared that…
We welcomed a new member of the family to church worship on Sunday…a new Baby Grand Piano!! It is beautiful! Our old piano had given so many years of faithful service but we were told that it just couldn’t be tuned anymore. So our search committee began to look for a replacement. And they found…
Welcome to Paul and Kathy, the Winslows! They joined our church family on 4/28/2024. Kathy shared that they knew on their first visit that Sapling Ridge GMC was going to be their new church. Make them feel at home!
Research has shown that one hallmark of a thriving, healthy congregation is that the people take care of the buildings and the grounds. In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah 4:6b, it says, “for the people had a mind to work”. Both of those statements were seen today at Sapling Ridge! No tree was left…
It is time for our Family Fun Night on 3/27. We are making some changes to the fun night. We are going to start at 630p instead of 7p. This will allow us to more leisurely eat dinner and not rush through the fun and games. So bring some food to share and meet us…
The team from CORA came to pick up our offering and were very appreciative. They liked our competition idea and hope that we can participate with donating items in the future. Thank you church for being the church!
As 2023 comes to a close, it is time for us to praise and thank God for our first year as a Global Methodist Church. We have seen growth in membership and faithfulness. Pray as we enter 2024 that we remain diligent in studying God’s word, worshipping passionately, loving each other and our community extravagantly…
It is that time of the year that we turn our clocks back one hour. Make sure you set your clocks appropriately because if you don’t, you may come to church at the wrong time. Fall back an hour! And the fire departments recommend that you also change the batteries in your smoke detectors when…
Saturday, November 4, 2023 brings another time to worship with other Christians in the area. Meet at the Silk Hope Ruritan building at 5p for free food and Worship starts at 6p. It is going to be cold, so plan to stay in your car unless you have battery operated heated clothing. Park so that…
Brian asked and Hannah said, “yes”. We celebrate with them as they take another life step together.
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