The Nurture and Outreach Committee have delivered our new directory. You will find yours in the Fellowship Hall, some assembly required. Pick yours up and use it to learn your church family members’ names. Use it to pray over the church members and for Pastor Jason!
Wanda and her family have invited friends to come and celebrate Bob Crawley, who passed away in November. Information about the memorial time is below. If you cannot attend, please hold Wanda and her family in your prayers.
We finished the year of meals for our church family who can’t come to church regularly with a Christmas feast: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy. dressing, butter beans and corn, broccoli salad, cranberry sauce, deviled egg, rolls and Christmas cookies for dessert. What a blessing to our church family and to those that serve.
We celebrated Todd’s birthday in worship today by singing Happy Birthday. Always a special day to celebrate with a special person!
The weather was perfect, the food great and the fun plentiful. We gathered for some good old fashioned fun, starting with a hayride and ending with Bingo. And, in between, we had to cook our hotdogs over a fire, roasted marshmallows and did a cake walk. Memories were definitely made.
It is a busy week with kids and teachers going back to school and the Silk Hope Ruritans ramping up for Old Fashioned Farmer’s Days. But a lot of people took an evening off from tasks to gather together for Family Fun Night. Yes, we ate. We had a sandwich bar and lots of sweet…
We had another great meal for our shut-in family members. Pasta salad, chicken salad, potato salad, pistachio/watergate salad, a large croissant, homemade pound cake. All really good food with a touch of love. We have had some of our shut-in family members move away. If you know of someone who could benefit from a great…
Today, family and friends gathered to shower Brian and Hannah with all kinds of things for their upcoming lives together. The Fellowship Hall was beautifully decorated and had wonderful sounds of laughter. And the food was beautiful as well as delicious. Hannah and Brian opened a lot of gifts, including a shopping bag from Hannah…
We are blessed to have four young people graduating from high school. Ava, Aaron, Choe and Payton are all passing a milestone and getting ready to start the next chapters of their lives. In Worship, Jason presented them with a devotional book titled Jesus Calling. We hope each graduate uses the devotions as they grow…
The men did a great job honoring the women of the church. The tables were full of good, southern breakfast items. And there was plenty of it. And there was a table with flowers and all women were invited to take a flower in honor of Mother’s Day. Thank you Methodist Men for a wonderful…
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