
  • ACC Tournament Starts 2/29/24

    For Sapling Ridge GMC, ACC stands for the Amazing Collection for CORA. Food insecurity is not just at Thanksgiving or Christmas. There are people in Chatham County that go hungry. And we hope to love our neighbors by collecting items for CORA and have a little fun at the same time. You are invited to…

    Read more: ACC Tournament Starts 2/29/24
  • Project Agape, 10/17/2022

    A small group gathered at Piney Grove GMC to hear Nara Melkonyan, the Country Director of Project AGAPE in Armenia. She shared with us about the history of the country and the importance of its continuing existence as a Christian nation surrounded by non-Christian influences. Armenia has been persecuted for centuries but has remained a…

    Read more: Project Agape, 10/17/2022
  • Blessings in a Backpack, 8/5/2023

    Rocky River Baptist Church was the gathering place for kids and families and volunteers. Families signed in and then had some crafts to work on. A Communities in School representative was present to give information in community resources. After some crafts, the kids could play on the playground, play basketball or corn hole. After some…

    Read more: Blessings in a Backpack, 8/5/2023
  • Backpack Production Line, 8/1/23

    You have heard the saying, “Many hands make light work”. That was seen first hand tonight as members of Sapling Ridge, Mount Vernon and Rocky River Baptist gathered at Rocky River to stuff 200 backpacks with school supplies needed by the kids of Chatham County. The tables were loaded with backpacks, glue sticks, pencils and…

    Read more: Backpack Production Line, 8/1/23
  • Love and Witness with Food, 5/17/23

    There are people in our communities, our state, our nation and our world who have food insecurity. And some of those same people have faith insecurity. Our church is faithful to love those around us, some we know and many we don’t, with food ministries. We support CORA with food and time. There is a…

    Read more: Love and Witness with Food, 5/17/23
  • Feast #2, 5/8/23

    Tonight we had the privilege to serve a meal to the Silk Hope Ruritans. This is one of the fundraisers we do to be used to a variety of missions. And the Ruritans were treated to a wide variety of food, ranging from pot roast and chicken tenders to several types of veggies, mac and…

    Read more: Feast #2, 5/8/23