Our church had 15 Angels from the Salvation Army this year. Some took their gifts to the Armory and others needed some transport assistance. It was a rainy Monday on the day we had to take the gifts. Lex knew he couldn’t get everything in the truck with the covered truck bed. He took the uncovered truck to the church and hoped the rain would stop. Not only did the rain stop but the sun came out while he was loading up the gifts. And it did not rain on the trip from the church to the Armory. What a gift from God!
He loaded 6 bicycles, 2 tricycles and a lot of bags, full of Christmas generosity for some children of Chatham County. At the Armory a lot of volunteers were helping to get things organized. One room had volunteers who were putting bikes together and inflating the tires. Our bikes were already assembled.
Thank you to all who donated.
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