What a wonderful day to be in church. The music rang out as the congregation sang, special music by some of our youth and our wonderful choir shared their cantata.
First, the Seitz family lit the Advent wreath candle. reserving the white Christ candle for a later time. They lit the candles of Hope, Joy, Peace and Love.
We were treated to special music by Abby, Maryanne, both on flute, and Andrew on snare drum. They shared “Angels We Have Heard on High.” They did a wonderful job and got a round of applause.
The Christmas story was shared by Lex, the narrator, and in song, by the Choir. Wayne shared a solo of “O, Holy Night“.
At the end of the service, Ernie and Lex lit the Christ Candle, reminding us that we are to take the Light Of Christ out of the building and into the world around us.
Thank you to all that made this Sunday wonderful. A great Christmas Eve as we prepare for Christmas Day and beyond.