Silk Hope ACTS Worship, 10/7/2023

Fall is in the air and worship outside is as fresh as the breeze. Silk Hope ACTS coordinate the building of a pavilion at the Silk Hope Ruritan area and tonight was the first time of worship.

ACTS stands for All Christians, Together Serving

Silk Hope ACTS provided free hot dogs, chips, dessert and drinks before worship. The homemade pound cake was delicious.

Jordan Pickett provided a variety of Christian songs when worship began. And Brittany shared Psalm 23. Then Jason led in prayer, with a special mention as an ambulance was passing by. Jason then shared scripture from Genesis about the story of Joseph, who had so many challenges in his life. After the reading of the Bible, Jason shared that God is always working good for us regardless of what location or situation we have in our lives.

Just like Joseph, who was abused by his brothers, sold into slavery, wrongly accused by an Egyptian captain and finally rose to be the second in command in Pharaoh’s government, God meant for good in Joseph’s life. Just like Jesus, who came to this broken world, was abused, betrayed, flogged, crucified, God meant for good. Just like in our lives, when things are not going well, God is in control and can bring good out of every situation.

Don’t miss the next ACTS worship on the first Saturday of each month. Free dinner at 5p followed by worship at 6p.

Hot dogs with the trimmings
Jordan singing great Christian music
Brittany reading Psalm 23
Jason sharing the sermon
