Love and Witness with Food, 5/17/23

There are people in our communities, our state, our nation and our world who have food insecurity. And some of those same people have faith insecurity. Our church is faithful to love those around us, some we know and many we don’t, with food ministries. We support CORA with food and time. There is a container in the sanctuary where you can put much needed items at any time and those are delivered to CORA to use as they need.

We support our shut-ins with a nutritious meal of food and a time of fellowship for the spirit. Tonight it was chicken salad, potato salad, pasta salad, crackers, hot out of the oven peach cobbler and fresh fruit. And each person who delivers a meal spends some time with the recipient. While the food is important, so is the time of visiting.

Thank you to all who give.
